If you have been searching for that excellent designer handbag, you might want to think a B. Makowsky bag. Designed by Bruce Makowsky and his wife Kathy Van Zeeland in 2006, these bags have the credit of contribution timeless fashion. Crafted with luxurious, soft leather and signature lining, these bags are every woman's dream come true.
Offering a sophisticated look and feel, the B. Makowsky handbag is made with the finest Japanese drum dyed leather, hand crafted and detailed hardware and loads of zippers and pockets.
Makowsky Handbags
You can find a bag in virtually any color including black, brown, aqua, denim, red, ivory and tangerine. Some designs you will find consist of the Berlin Handheld Satchel, Lisbon Hobo, Lisbon Shoulder Bag, Croco ball Tote and the Oslo Dome Satchel to name only a small list.You can find any of the B. Makowsky handbags at major agency and specialty stores such as Macy's, Bloomingdales, Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus. Searching and buying online is your great bet if you are after some great deals. Prices typically range from 0 to 0 for these potential handbags; however, the Internet will offer you deals as lows as .
B. MAKOWSKY Celeste Tote
B. MAKOWSKY Celeste Tote Overview
What's the point of being a wallflower? Stand out from the crowd with the Celeste Tote from B. Makowsky. The softly pebbled leather features keen detailing, including a fun and functional vertical zipper pocket. Polished hardware and the studded tassel will have you turning heads in no time.Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
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Customer Reviews
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 23, 2012 17:45:04
To care for your B. Makowsky handbag and ensure to retain its potential leather, Makowsky recommends that you use a leather conditioner on it for cleaning it, polishing and protecting it. Make sure the conditioner contains no oils as this can trap dirt and leave stains on the leather. If you need to take off any dirt, you can plainly wipe it away with a soft, damp washcloth.
Any woman who has a B. Makowsky handbag should feel blessed to have it hanging from her shoulders. You will even find celebrities like Cameron Diaz and Celine Dion carrying one of these elegant bags. You do not need to look any additional than your own computer to get your hands on one of these luxurious bags.
B Makowsky Designer Handbags - potential Bags at Affordable PricesSee Also : Backpacks Baby Boys Tops